Monday, October 24, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


1) Targeted Current Event #3
due Thursday 10/20
Occupy Portland

  • Write a balanced "objective" report about the Occupy Portland movement.
  • 1 Paragraph
  • Use and cite 2 primary sources

2) Farmer Chapter 3 and notes due Monday 10/24

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oct 12

1) Targeted Current Event #2 Due 10/13
 Focus Violence and Conflict
Choose 2 newspaper articles that focus on one violent conflict currently taking place anywhere in the world.
Compare one aspect of the violence/conflict to one aspect of conflict in WWI.
Depending on the focus of your article you might consider:

  • tactical considerations
  • ideological goals
  • women in the conflict
  • aims of the conflict: territorial, religious etc.
Do not focus on total war vs. guerilla war as this is too broad to be interesting in such a summary assignment.

Your current event should have a clear, concise thesis statement and correctly formatted MLA citations.  Do not write more than 10 sentences.

2) Quiz Tuesday: 10/18 on Key Terms/People Ch 1, 2, CPU and notes
3) Chapter 3 Farmer due Monday, 10/24

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oct 6

For Monday
1) Come to class having read chapter 2 of Farmer
2) Please write a one paragraph personal reaction to the images from today's film and one of the two poems from WW I on your hand-out