Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Read the "Bombing of Guernica":
Write a 1/2 page personal response to the question:

How does Picasso communicate the innocence and suffering of the people?

If you are interested the PBS site on Guernica also has a great deal of interesting information.

Don't forget to train for the Sporcle war!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dec. 12

1) Bring Chapter 4 questions to class.  We will finish discussion of Stalin
2) Re-read Farmer 132-134.  Answer 1-3 on p. 134.  Also be sure to answer the question:
"Criminality enthroned"  Is this a fair description of Stalin's rule?

3) Key Terms Quiz Farmer Ch 4 Lenin/Stalin on Wed. 12/14.  You will turn in your Ch 4 study questions when you take the quiz

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Read the Introduction to
James Scott: Seeing like a State

Bring Lenin Reading.  We will continue discussion of Farmer Ch. 4.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


1)For class on Thursday 11/17:  Read Lenin Packet and answer questions 1-3 on hand-out.  Highlight text and/or take notes as needed.
3) Farmer Chapter 4 due 11/30-expect a quiz on this reading

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Unit Test Monday 11/7
Study Key Terms, Armenian Genocide, Notes on War at sea, in the air, gov/propaganda

Research Analysis Paper due 11/9

Monday, October 24, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


1) Targeted Current Event #3
due Thursday 10/20
Occupy Portland

  • Write a balanced "objective" report about the Occupy Portland movement.
  • 1 Paragraph
  • Use and cite 2 primary sources

2) Farmer Chapter 3 and notes due Monday 10/24

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oct 12

1) Targeted Current Event #2 Due 10/13
 Focus Violence and Conflict
Choose 2 newspaper articles that focus on one violent conflict currently taking place anywhere in the world.
Compare one aspect of the violence/conflict to one aspect of conflict in WWI.
Depending on the focus of your article you might consider:

  • tactical considerations
  • ideological goals
  • women in the conflict
  • aims of the conflict: territorial, religious etc.
Do not focus on total war vs. guerilla war as this is too broad to be interesting in such a summary assignment.

Your current event should have a clear, concise thesis statement and correctly formatted MLA citations.  Do not write more than 10 sentences.

2) Quiz Tuesday: 10/18 on Key Terms/People Ch 1, 2, CPU and notes
3) Chapter 3 Farmer due Monday, 10/24

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oct 6

For Monday
1) Come to class having read chapter 2 of Farmer
2) Please write a one paragraph personal reaction to the images from today's film and one of the two poems from WW I on your hand-out

Friday, September 30, 2011

Oct. 4, 2011

Come to class having read
"Causes Practices and Effects of War"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 26-30 Due Dates

9/26 Mon. Farmer Ch. 1 - Reading and Notes Completed
9/28 Wed. Quiz: Countries of Europe, Key Concepts, Historiography&  Historians
9/30 Fri. Current Event #1 Due

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 16

You should be able to identify the origins and meanings of the terms - Liberalism, Nationalism, Conservatism, Social Darwinism after class today.

Current Assignments:
9/20 Historical Consciousness Reading
9/22 Key Characteristics of the Great Powers
9/26 Finish Reading/Taking Notes on Chapter 1 of Text - Farmer

Friday, September 2, 2011

Week 1 September 6-16

Welcome to IB 20th Century World History. 

Here you will find extended and short-term homework assignments, links to articles read in class and a brief overview of weekly class activities in case you have to miss class. The blog will be updated most of the time, but it is still important for you to have the phone number of someone in class, in case the information you need is not here.

September 6, 2011
Our first mini-class will focus on the modern nation states of Europe.  Hopefully this is review for you.  In any event please practice the geography quiz of Europe and Capitals of Europe if you are ready 2 times tonight.

Sporcle Quiz

September 8, 2011
Today we will discuss how the course is framed, considering in the broadest sense the notions of utopia and genocide as they occur in the 1900s.  We will also review the class policy and the scope and sequence of our work this year.
1) Continue to memorize the countries of Europe on Sporcle.
2) Begin Reading: Gilderhus article.  Reading and questions due Monday, Sept 19.